What reward are you hoping for?


Everyone has contributed to the Sui Global project: some go on quests in Crew3, others are active in Discord, some show off their talents in creative competitions. I think almost everyone does it for the rewards: what do you want to get? - A certain amount of $, an opportunity to be part of a team, or specify your option.

Try to keep your answer honest and real.

Answers 3

Well, I feel one thing would be common in everybody's wishlist irrespective what role they have in the discord that is MONEY

Now apart from that, it will be vary with personal choices. If you really liked the project you would wanna contribute in its built up, you can be in for the NFT's, or the games, there is a lot to choose from :D

Personally yes money is a part of what i would wish to get, plus to be part of something big is really exhilarating. I am also in it for games (i just love games hahah ), NFT's(how they turn out to be, i am really looking forward :) ) and meeting people across the board in different communities. Thats it for now (^_^)

MOneyyy and nft'ss